If your looking for a Union for Security Officers in your state or work location Let the
United Federation LEOS-PBA help you form or join a Security Officers Labor Union in your state.

Looking to Join or Form a Prisoner Transport Security Union? If so please Sign Our United Federation LEOS-PBA Membership Form Below.

What is the role of Prisoner Transportation officer ?
Under the general supervision of Patrol Sergeant, the incumbents in this non-sworn, public officer classification transport prisoners to appropriate facilities providing for their care, conduct, and safety while in the driver’s custody; provide support functions including data entry, routine criminal registration, and vehicle citation verification; perform a variety of activities in support of the police function related to report writing, investigation assistance, non-moving vehicle violation citation, public relations, and transportation of goods, staff, and citizens; perform related work as required.
Knowledge Of: Traffic laws, rules, regulations and safe driving practices; firearm use; general behavior patterns of persons taken prisoner.
* Transport prisoners to the County jail; transport low risk prisoners from other local agencies.
* Inventory prisoner property.
* Photograph and fingerprint selected prisoners.
* Arrange for and execute the release of prisoners on citations or notices to appear.
* Inspect and clean the holding facilities in order to maintain health/safety standards.
* Enter data and conduct file searches on the computer.
*Complete registration of habitual sex and narcotic offenders.
*Verify and certify that mechanical violations receiving a citation have been corrected.
* Assist in typing, filing, and form completion.
* Assist in routine equipment/vehicle maintenance.
*Mark abandoned vehicles; maintain file of marked vehicles; cite vehicle/owner for violation after a given period of time of being marked; arrange for tow of vehicle.
* Investigate and document crimes with no suspect, lost and found cases, and non-injury collisions. Interview witnesses or other involved parties; search for, collect, and identify evidence; write reports.